Typical activities supported include gaining access to type material and collections and working with other taxonomists to progress work, exchange knowledge and develop capacity.
The purchase of scientific equipment or expertise (for instance buying time on analytical equipment such as SEM), and specimen preparation, including the cost of temporary technical assistance are also eligible expenses.
These Awards are to support work on marine species discovery and preference is given to the number of new species that will be discovered. Preference is given to studies that use existing specimens and collections and employ both morphological and genetic approaches where appropriate for the taxa in question.
Publication costs may be considered but zero cost publications on species discoveries and descriptions are available:
- There is is no page charge for publishing with Zootaxa (covering the publication of colour figures or photographs in the online edition, and in black and white in print)
- The Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK will publish articles for free (with the exception of Gold Open Access)
Who is eligible?
The Awards can be applied for by any taxonomists/scientists in the Ocean Census Science Network, who is over the age of 18, including citizen scientists. Applications of all nationalities are welcome but please note we can only review applications written in English. Awards will not be awarded for microbiology or species discovery/description of microbes but meiofauna, macrofauna, megafauna and macroalgae are included.
What is not eligible?
The fund does not provide support for:
- Microbiology, phylogenetic or other evolutionary studies, unless they are part of an integrated taxonomic approach
- Attendance at scientific meetings
- Contributions to salaries, student maintenance or tuition fees
- Projects already substantially funded by other bodies may be disadvantaged.
This is our first year of providing Awards and it is a pilot for us. We are testing how the process works and will be evaluating the outcomes and how successful it has been. We anticipate that we will likely expand our Awards programme in the future.