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Deep sea cuttlefish surrounded by darkness

Discover Life.

A global mission to accelerate the discovery and protection of ocean life.

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Our mission

We’ve only discovered 10% of ocean life.

Our vast ocean is full of undiscovered life, holding information that is crucial to our planet’s future and our own existence.

This uncharted wilderness is not just a reservoir of life, it’s our source of air, food, climate regulation, and potential scientific breakthroughs.

75-90% of the estimated 1–2 million marine species remain undiscovered.

Understanding and preserving our unseen ocean is paramount, without this how can we offer it protection?

A revolutionary, new approach to the discovery of ocean life is key to a sustainable future and combating the biodiversity crisis.

Find out more about the action we’re taking.

Scientists Looking at Equipment

Discover Knowledge.

Working together to achieve our mission for the ocean.

About the Ocean Census

Launched in 2023 by The Nippon Foundation and Nekton, the Ocean Census is enabling the development and implementation of a bold strategy and advanced technologies in order to accelerate species discovery worldwide, halt the biodiversity crisis, and meet society’s need for sustainable development.

Our Alliance is key to our success. Together, we’re combating the critical knowledge gap surrounding the diversity and distribution of marine life, by embracing cyber-taxonomy and merging traditional methods with cutting edge science including DNA sequencing, high-resolution digital imaging, and machine learning.

The initiative is inspired by vanguard programmes of the past, including The Challenger Expeditions (1872 – 1976), widely regarded as the birth of modern marine science, and The Census of Marine Life (2000 – 2010).

And we’ve set ourselves an ambitious target – our goal is to discover 100,000 new species within the coming decade and inspire people around the globe.

The Earth as seen from space

Discover Our Future.


South Sandwich Islands

20 February - 26 March 2025

The Ocean Census GoSouth: Searching for New Species in the South Sandwich Islands is a 35-day research mission that aims to map deep-sea habitats and document new species from this rarely visited region of the Southern Ocean

This expedition will bring together Schmidt Ocean Institute (SOI)The Nippon Foundation-Nekton Ocean Census, GoSouth (University of PlymouthBritish Antarctic Survey, and GEOMAR), and the Government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI).


Dive Deeper



10 January - 13 February 2025

The Ocean Census is joining the Schmidt Ocean Institute (SOI) on its ‘Climate Connections at the Ice-Sea Interface’ expedition.

This Ocean Census participant expedition will see scientists from the Ocean Census Science Network working alongside the Schmidt Ocean Institute to explore the deep-water regions surrounding the Antarctic Peninsula.


Dive Deeper

The Ocean Census Taxonomy & Science Awards 2024

The Award Recipients HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED...

The Ocean Census Taxonomy and Event Awards 2024 recognize and support outstanding researchers who are advancing marine taxonomy and accelerating the discovery of new species.

Meet the 2024 award winners who are pushing the boundaries of marine science and helping to protect our oceans’ biodiversity.

Find out more

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