Ocean Census has launched a call-out for Expedition and Science Partners, to help maximise opportunities to collect and record species during upcoming expeditions taking place globally.
Ocean Census is a huge, global effort to accelerate species discovery. There are many ways that you can get involved and be part of the programme.
Opportunities exist for planned expeditions that require additional funding or other kinds of support that are interested in aligning with the mission, as well as for individuals and teams with taxonomy and a range of crew skills, those with vessels that are open to scientific charter, and organisations looking for media and storytelling support, as well as a range of other ways of working collaboratively.
Explore the opportunities below or speak to us about your idea!

Expedition Partners
If you, your organisation or expedition is involved in the discovery of new species, you can contribute to the global mission to find and protect species by aligning with Ocean Census as an official project or participating in an expedition.
You can also speak to us if you are interested in developing a joint scientific expedition or collaborating as part of a shared mission.
You may have a planned expedition that has the potential to discover new species that requires additional funding or other kinds of support, or you may work in the field and be interested in participating as an individual.
By working collaboratively, Ocean Census may be able to help you to accelerate your research, support logistical planning, and help to promote your work.
Vessel Matching
If you have a vessel that may be available to charter for scientific expeditions and research, Ocean Census can help to fill schedule gaps and put together charters for research purposes.
Expeditions may be run by Ocean Census or other marine organisations who are working to contribute to the global mission.
Your vessel should be in a location with access to biodiversity hotspots and deep water environments and have the ability to collect deep water samples. This includes vessels or technologies that support technical dive expeditions.
Crew Database
We are actively looking for highly experienced crew who can aid research and help us to run field expeditions.
The skills we are looking for include:
- Technical Research Divers
- ROV and Submersible Pilots
- Engineers
- Crew specialised in research techniques and sample collection
For opportunities to work together on expeditions, submit your details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Ocean Census Science Network
From biologists and ecologists to data scientists, technicians, and curators, our goal is to create and support a network of people and institutions involved in the science of taxonomy.
By joining the Network you can log your skills, hear about opportunities for funding, fieldwork and expeditions, and get matched with the right people to support your project.
We may be able to support:
- Marine taxonomists available to help coordinate research or participate in expeditions, which may be led by Ocean Census or one of our Partners and can contribute towards your own research goals, whilst supporting our aim to discover species.
- Those looking for taxonomists for planned research expeditions who are interested in being matched with specialists to ensure you get the support and personnel you need.
- People and institutions interested in developing joint science programmes or who have existing collections or specimens that are awaiting taxonomic or genetic description.
- Scientists looking for support to accelerate their research through funding or in-kind support.
- Individuals or organisations seeking help to promote their work.
Find out more and register for the Science Network.

Ocean Life Media Centre
If you’ve recently discovered a new species and are interested in receiving storytelling support to help you reach new audiences, speak to us about the Ocean Life Media Centre, including our Newsroom, supported by Associated Press.
We may be able to help you create and distribute content and share your story globally, and access videographers or journalists for upcoming expeditions.
Benefit from our Media Centre promotional platform, while promoting Ocean Census in partnership.
If you are interested in working with Ocean Census to access media support please get in touch by emailing media@oceancensus.org
There are many ways to collaborate with Ocean Census so if you have an idea or would like to speak to us, please get in touch.